Observation Dome

I don't like spam, etc

Just to let you all know that I've whacked up the spam controls here, as we're being fucking inundated at the moment. Don't worry if your comment doesn't appear immediately - I'll approve them.

If you want your comment to appear immediately, consider using Typekey.


I don't know if you're already using it or not, but I've just switched to Akismet on my blog and suddenly all the comment spam has gone into the moderation queue instead of showing up on the site. It's missed a few spams so far but there's been no false positives so I'm pretty happy with it. There's a plugin for MT as well on the development pages.

By Paul [TypeKey Profile Page] on 21-06-06 @ 08:40

Ah, interesting! I knew about Askimet, but I didn't know there was a plugin for MT.

I'll try it out. Ta.

By John Hoare [TypeKey Profile Page] on 23-06-06 @ 08:42

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