Observation Dome

I couldn't resist it...

I simply could not resi... *BANG*.



I spat my cheesy watsits all over my desk when I saw that, it was great :)

By Ghostie on 21-05-06 @ 18:37


The sad thing is, that's the first thing that came to mind when I saw that bit too.

By John Hoare [TypeKey Profile Page] on 21-05-06 @ 18:41

Obviously that's also the first thing that came to MY mind when I saw that bit.

But Cappsy, that's bloody genius :-)

By Seb Patrick [TypeKey Profile Page] on 21-05-06 @ 19:09

It's *so* similar that I almost wonder if it's an intentional homage by the effects team.

By John Hoare [TypeKey Profile Page] on 21-05-06 @ 19:25

It wouldn't surprise me, when you consider the involvement of Tucker, M.

By Seb Patrick [TypeKey Profile Page] on 21-05-06 @ 22:31

I laughed when I saw that bit, but it was just on the wrong side of comical considering the context of it all.

By Cappsy on 21-05-06 @ 23:07

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