Observation Dome

I've just ordered this

The Red Dwarf Series One CD.

Shall we see what Amazon says when they realise IT DOESN'T EXIST?


I ordered this fuck knows how long ago at play.com (£12.99).

It's status at the mo: "Not currently available"


By si on 14-01-06 @ 17:39

Not really. As John says: IT DOESN'T EXIST!

By Andrew on 14-01-06 @ 18:12

I wonder how much I could claim in false advertising if I place an order...

By Ghostie on 15-01-06 @ 01:57

"Delivery estimate: 17 Feb 2006 - 6 Mar 2006"

Boy, this is gonna be fun!

By John Hoare [TypeKey Profile Page] on 15-01-06 @ 05:21

"Red Dwarf Series One CD"
"Publisher: learn how customers can search inside this book."


By Paul [TypeKey Profile Page] on 15-01-06 @ 11:22

>Not really. As John says: IT DOESN'T EXIST!

I know that, Andrew. I was being sarcastic.

By si on 15-01-06 @ 12:40

"Delivery estimate: 4 April 2006 - 24 April 2006"


When they revise it again, I'll send a STERN EMAIL.

By John Hoare [TypeKey Profile Page] on 03-03-06 @ 07:22

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