DwarfWiki, then
It's unfortunate that Observation Dome has only just surfaced from an extended period of sporadic technical hitches, but now that we're back in a more permanent way, I'd like to remind you all of the existence of DwarfWiki.
I’ve been slowly but surely building up and organising various sections over the past few months and I reckon it’s at a point now where people can really jump in there and get totally stuck in. For example, every episode now has a list of its credits, so every single credited member of cast and crew potentially have their own page. Do you know anything about some forgotten person who operated light rigs during The Inquisitor? Perfect! Get it written down and give these unseen individuals some content.
Also, I can see great potential for the Red Dwarf Universe and Fandom sections of the Wiki. For a start, any of you fansite owners out there (active or dead) then get in there and edit your site’s page, or - if you’re not listen there - make yourself known!
There’s a shed load to be done and I’m eager for people to continue the excellent start we saw a few months ago when it launched so we can all turn this into a quite staggering database of Dwarf we can all be proud of. Just take a look at LostPedia for a good example of what level of detail we could attain.
Wiki away, Dwarfers.
Updated the Channel 27 section a bit :) I have also been thinking about restarting the site, and have started a Dev blog at http://c27dev.blogspot.com/
Nice to see the wiki still growing, the contributions seem to be regular still, cant wait till its as huge as planned!
By Ghostie on 15-05-06 @ 16:02
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